With U Dental

2 Wills St, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123

Cosmetic Dentistry

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Cosmetic Dentistry in Hawthorn

Your smile is an integral part of who you are. At With U Dental, we believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile they’re proud of. 

That’s why we offer a range of cosmetic dentistry services performed by our top-notch cosmetic dentists in Hawthorn to help you achieve your dream smile.

Don’t let dental issues hold you back from living your best life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Melbourne’s most sought-after cosmetic dentists.

Transform your world with your smile

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What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry involves improving the appearance of your teeth and the aesthetics of your smile. It can also improve your oral health and overall well-being!

If you’re dealing with dental problems like missing teeth or stained teeth, overcrowding, crooked and chipped teeth or minor gaps between your teeth, seeing our cosmetic dentist is the best way to go. With our amazing range of cosmetic dentistry solutions, we’ll take care of those dental issues and give you that brilliant smile you’ve been dreaming of.

Cosmetic Dental Services We Offer IN HAWTHORN

We offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic dental services in Hawthorn to help treat and improve cosmetic dental concerns to give your a brand new smile.

Dental Veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment used to treat a range of dental issues, such as stained, crooked and chipped teeth. They are thin, custom-made shells attached to the front of your teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. It’s a minimally invasive way to achieve a radiant and natural-looking smile.

Learn more about Dental Veneers

Porcelain Veneers
Custom-made to ensure a perfect fit, porcelain veneers are durable and highly stain-resistant. They can last up to 15 years or more with proper care and maintenance. So, with porcelain veneers, you’ll be able to maintain a bright, confident smile for years to come.

Learn more about Porcelain veneers

Non-Prep / Minimal Prep Veneers
We selectively handpick cases for non-prep or minimal-prep veneers where we may choose to avoid cutting the tooth or prepare the tooth very minimally and bond the thin shells of ceramic veneers onto the tooth. This allows you to get that stunning smile with a painless and faster procedure!

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are bonded directly to the tooth’s enamel. Applied in just one visit, composite veneers are a great, affordable way to transform your smile in the shortest possible time.

Learn more about Composite Veneers

Restore your cracked, chipped, worn or discoloured teeth to their former glory with dental crowns. Dental crowns are custom-made caps or coverings placed over damaged teeth to improve their appearance while strengthening them. They are created from premium materials like porcelain and tailored to match the shape, size and colour of your natural teeth.

Dental crowns are a versatile solution for improving both the form and function of damaged teeth, helping you maintain a healthy and confident smile.

If you want a dazzling, bright smile, look no further than teeth whitening! Our professional teeth whitening treatments are a safe and effective way to transform your teeth from dull and discoloured to absolutely radiant.

This non-invasive treatment can effectively remove stains and discolouration caused by various factors such as aging, consumption of certain food and beverages, smoking and poor dental hygiene.

We provide At-Home Whitening Kits and In-Chair Whitening Treatments for you to choose from. With our whitening options, you can walk into any room with a stunning smile.

Learn more about Teeth Whitening

Your confidence and oral health can take a big hit when dealing with damaged or missing teeth. With dental implants, you can say goodbye to discomfort and enjoy a beautiful smile again! Dental implants are one of the most popular, long-lasting solutions for gaps in your smile or teeth that need replacing. The best part is that you can’t tell them apart from natural teeth!

They are designed to function and feel like natural teeth, providing numerous benefits for oral health and aesthetics.

Learn more about Dental Implants

At With U Dental, our team of friendly dental professionals are here to provide you with exceptional treatment and care. Our team will work with you to find the perfect solution for your unique case. Contact us today to get started on your journey towards a happier, healthier you!

Design Your Smile with
Digital Smile Design (DSD)

At With U Dental, we use revolutionary technology like Digital Smile Design (DSD) to perfect your smile. With DSD, you’ll be able to see your dream smile come to life right before your eyes.

Whether you’re considering teeth whitening, veneers or a complete smile makeover, Digital Smile Design empowers you to achieve the beautiful, natural-looking smile you’ve always desired.

Here's how it works:
cosmetic dentistry

Take the first step towards a head-turning smile by registering your interest with us. Simply click here to book your consultation.

Our friendly dental team will get in touch with you and schedule your comprehensive cosmetic consultation.

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cosmetic dentistry

Using DSD technology, our artisanal cosmetic dentists will carefully plan out your beautiful, new smile.

If the case allows, we will create a mock-up for you to see and feel your new smile before we even begin your treatment.

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cosmetic dentistry

Our skilled cosmetic dentists will work their magic so you can enjoy a stunning smile!

Book your consultation now, and let us help you achieve the confident smile you truly deserve.

With U Smile Transformations

Our smile transformations speak for themselves, take a look!
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cosmetic dentistry
cosmetic dentistry
cosmetic dentistry
cosmetic dentistry
cosmetic dentistry

Payment Options To Fit Your Budget

At With U Dental Hawthorn, we believe everyone deserves access to quality dental care and a stunning smile. We offer convenient payment options and dental payment plans to help you achieve this. These include:

  • Cash, EFTPOS & credit card (Visa, Mastercard)
  • Claims from your private health insurer using HICAPS
  • Short, medium, and long-term dental repayment plans
  • Early release of superannuation

We offer a complimentary consultation where our team will listen to your concerns and goals for your smile. After your consultation, our skilled cosmetic dentists can develop a customised plan to bring your beautiful smile to life.

We want you to know that your dream smile is more achievable than you think, and we’re here to make it happen.

Transform your smile at With U Dental

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Why Choose With U Dental?

We prioritise your comfort and convenience at our dental clinic in Hawthorn. We are committed to providing you with a relaxing and comfortable experience from the moment you walk through our doors. Our team is here to listen to your concerns, answer any questions and ensure you are at ease while providing top-notch dental solutions!

With U Dental is home to a team of highly experienced and compassionate dental professionals. We go above and beyond to provide exceptional dental care and are consistently furthering our skills to offer you the best solutions. We’ll help you create the smile of your dreams at our clinic in Hawthorn.

We know that each smile is unique and deserves individual attention. That’s why we take the time to listen to you and understand your needs before creating a treatment plan. Whether you need a simple teeth whitening treatment or a more comprehensive smile makeover, our team is here to help you reclaim your smile and confidence with a tailored treatment plan.

At With U Dental, we stay up to date with the latest technology and techniques to provide you with the highest quality dental care at all times. You can count on us for safe, effective and advanced treatments.

With U Dental offers flexible payment plans to help create affordable cosmetic treatment options. We believe that everyone deserves access to excellent dental care.

With U Dental offers a wide range of dental services, from preventive care to restorative dentistry, general dentistry, orthodontics, family dentistry and more. Whether you need a routine check-up, teeth whitening, dental implants or any other treatment, we have you covered.

With U Dental is there when you need us most. We provide emergency dental services to address unexpected dental issues promptly and ensure you receive immediate relief from pain. It can also prevent further damage or even save a tooth.

Meet Our Principal Dentist

Cosmetic dentistry can be life-changing, and we want everyone to experience the pure joy that comes with this transformative experience. However, to do this, it’s crucial to find a dental clinic and a dentist who truly cares about you.

Dr. Edward Lee is our Principal Dentist at With U Dental. He is an accomplished dentist with years of experience, and a caring professional who will go above and beyond to make you feel at ease. With his extensive experience, impressive academic background and welcoming nature, Dr. Lee is committed to providing the best dental care possible.

He also shares his expertise with other dentists, helping them upskill specifically in implant dentistry. Dr. Lee leads a team of skilled and exceptional dentists at With U Dental who are all dedicated to delivering outstanding care.

If you’re looking for a dental clinic with a team that genuinely cares for you and your smile, you’ve found it!



Did you know that cosmetic dentistry can do more than just make your smile look great? It can actually help improve your oral health and overall well-being too! These treatments can even help prevent damage and decay to your natural teeth, which means they'll last longer. So if you're looking for a way to enhance your smile and take care of your teeth at the same time, cosmetic dentistry might be just what you need!

It’s natural to have questions about safety, but you can rest assured that cosmetic dentistry is a safe and effective way to achieve that beautiful, healthy smile. The risks associated with cosmetic dental procedures are minimal, and complications are rare. When you choose With U Dental for your cosmetic dentistry procedures in Hawthorn, you can trust our team to provide you with top-notch care and exceptional results.

If you have dental concerns or you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, you can be a candidate for cosmetic dentistry. However, a dental evaluation of your oral health is necessary to determine the most suitable treatments for your specific needs.

The duration of cosmetic dentistry treatments varies depending on the type of treatment and the extent of the work required. Some treatments, like teeth whitening, can be completed in a single visit while others may require multiple appointments.

Some Cosmetic Dentistry treatments like dental implants and certain restorations are considered permanent and long-lasting solutions, provided they are properly cared for. Others, like teeth whitening or bonding, may require touch-ups or maintenance over time to sustain results.

While cosmetic dentistry primarily improves aesthetics, it often enhances oral function and health as well. For example, correcting misaligned teeth can improve bite and reduce the risk of dental issues like tooth decay.

Common treatments include teeth whitening, dental veneers, bonding, crowns, bridges and orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners.

Yes. You can continue to eat and drink normally but we may recommend avoiding spicy, sticky or crunchy foods and certain drinks right after treatment, depending on the treatment. Our dentist will advise you if there are any post-treatment care instructions you might need to follow.

Many cosmetic dentistry treatments are minimally invasive and relatively painless. Local anesthesia and sleep dentistry are also available to ensure patient comfort and ease for those who have dental anxiety or for more complex makeovers.

Ready for a stunning new smile?

We offer a 15 minute complimentary consult to get you started!Book Now