With U Dental

2 Wills St, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123

Bone Graft & Sinus Lift

bone graft & sinus lift

Bone Graft & Sinus Lift

Are you considering dental restorations such as implants to restore missing teeth and enhance your smile? In order to be eligible for dental implants, it is a must for you to have healthy gums and sufficient bone to support the implant. In certain cases, patients may lack the amount of bone needed to support the implant because the natural bone has deteriorated after tooth loss.  

We perform bone graft and sinus lift procedures at With U Dental so you can experience the benefits of dental implants and restore your smile to its true glory. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, innovative technology and the latest techniques in advanced dentistry, we can make your dental treatments as stress-free and comfortable as possible. 

Don’t let bone loss prevent you from achieving the smile you deserve.Book Now

What are Bone Graft & Sinus Lift Procedures?

Both bone grafting and sinus lift procedures generally help accommodate dental implants by increasing bone density. We may also recommend them in cases where bone loss is affecting your neighboring teeth.

A bone graft is a procedure where the missing bone is replaced with new bone. Bone graft material used for the procedure typically comes from another part of your body (your chin, lower jaw, or hip) or synthetic materials. This process of transplanting bone to affected areas will help you meet the amount of bone required for implants.

A sinus lift or a sinus augmentation procedure is done when your upper jawbone has less bone, or the sinuses are too close to the jawbone. Since dental implants require sufficient bone density, a sinus lift works to increase the amount of bone in the upper jaw by lifting the sinus membrane and filling the space with a bone graft.

bone graft sinus lift

When Do You Need a Bone Graft or Sinus Lift Procedure?

If you don’t have enough bone to support dental implants, we will recommend a bone graft or sinus lift procedure. Bone loss can occur as a result of:

  • Tooth loss
  • Gum disease
  • Accidents, injuries or surgeries that affect the jawbone
  • Maxillary sinuses (a hollow space in the bones surrounding the nose) which are too close to the upper jawbone
  • Genetic abnormalities in bone development

Bone Graft & Sinus Lift Procedures

Both bone grafting and sinus lift procedures begin with a comprehensive analysis of your mouth. X rays using Cone Beam Computed Tomography will be used to produce an accurate 3D image of your jawbone, which will allow us to better assess your bone health.


How Does a Bone Graft Work? 

If the scans indicate that your bone is too weak to support the implant or if your neighboring teeth are being affected by bone loss, we will recommend a bone graft. Our dentists will talk you through the process, helping you make an informed decision.

To start with, the new bone that will be transplanted to the affected area will be prepared. This piece of bone will typically be extracted from your chin, lower jaw, shin or hip. If not, a synthetic material will be used. 

We will use a local or general anesthetic to numb the area and relieve you of pain. A small incision will be made in your gums, where the bone graft material will be placed. Dental screws will be used to keep the bone graft material in place before closing the incision.  

The bone graft will take around 6 months to fuse with the existing bone, and once it fuses successfully, your dental implants can then be placed. 


How Does a Sinus Lift Work? 

Our dentists will recommend a sinus lift procedure if the scans point to insufficient bone density and bone height in the upper jaw or if the sinuses are too close to the upper jaw. 

The bone graft material will be prepared by extracting a piece of bone. A local or general anesthetic will numb the area and help you relax during the procedure. 

An incision will then be made in the gum tissue on your upper jawbone. The sinus membrane will be lifted away from the jaw until the required bone height is achieved. This space will then be filled with bone graft material. 

Our dentist will close the incision, leaving it to heal and integrate with your natural bone.

Bone Graft and Sinus Lift Cost in Hawthorn

The cost of bone grafting and sinus lift procedures can differ between patients, depending on their individual needs. The cost will also depend on factors such as the complexity of the procedure, the location, and the type of bone graft material used. 

We recommend scheduling a consultation with our friendly dentists to get an accurate cost of these procedures. After conducting a comprehensive assessment, we can provide more detailed information and costs for the procedures. 

At With U Dental, we are committed to providing high-quality dental services at affordable rates. That’s why we offer flexible payment plans and accept several payment methods to help you get the dental care you deserve when you need it most.

Why Choose With U Dental?

At With U Dental, we want to help you restore your smile and your confidence.  If you want to replace your missing teeth with dental implants but lack enough bone to support the implants, we will help you with efficient bone graft and sinus lift procedures performed by our highly experienced dentists. 

Providing high-quality dental care to all, With U Dental is your go-to dental clinic in Hawthorn. Our team of experienced and friendly dental professionals use the latest technology and techniques to help you feel at ease during your visits. So, if you want a healthy and beautiful smile, look no further than With U Dental.

Let us help you restore your smile!Call Us Now!