With U Dental

2 Wills St, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123


invisalign in hawthorn

Invisalign In Hawthorn

At With U Dental, we believe that a stunning smile is within reach for everyone. A beautiful, healthy smile can boost confidence and empower you.

If you have misaligned teeth and want to turn your dream smile into a reality, Invisalign can help. Invisalign is a discreet and effective solution that can help address a range of common misalignment problems, from crooked teeth to bite problems. If conspicuous metal braces and brackets have been holding you back from getting a straighter smile, Invisalign is the best solution for you.

Our team at With U Dental has years of experience crafting stunning smiles. Driven by an unwavering pursuit of providing quality dental care in Hawthorn, you can trust us to make your dream smile a reality with Invisalign treatment!

Do you want to straighten your teeth discreetly? Try Invisalign!Book Now

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners that discreetly guide your teeth into the desired position. The best part is that these custom-made, clear aligners are virtually invisible, unlike traditional braces. They ensure comfort and convenience as you can remove your clear aligners when eating, brushing, flossing or cleaning your teeth.

Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional braces and embrace the comfort of Invisalign while achieving the smile of your dreams.


What are the Benefits of Invisalign?

  • Virtually invisible, unlike traditional braces that use metal wires and brackets.
  • Invisalign aligners are removable, which makes eating and cleaning your teeth easier.
  • Custom-made for a more comfortable fit.
  • Causes less irritation to gums, teeth, or cheeks.
  • Helps promote good oral health, as crooked teeth can be hard to clean and leave you more susceptible to tooth decay.
  • Addresses a wide range of orthodontic issues from mild to more complex cases.
  • Provides faster results.
  • Less bulky than traditional orthodontic treatments.

What Can Invisalign Fix?

Crooked Teeth

Whether you have a single misaligned tooth or an entire row of teeth that require adjustment, Invisalign’s custom-designed clear aligners gently shift your teeth into their correct positions. This contributes to improved functionality and overall oral health.

Crowded Teeth

When you have crowded teeth, your teeth can overlap and shift, making it easy for food particles to get stuck between them. By creating better alignment, Invisalign can alleviate crowding issues, making it easier to clean and maintain your teeth and reducing the risk of potential complications further down the line.


An overbite is a condition where the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth more than usual, making even simple functions like eating challenging. Invisalign can address mild to moderate overbites by strategically adjusting the position of your teeth over the course of treatment. This helps to improve the alignment of your bite for better oral health.


An underbite is when your lower teeth overlap your upper teeth, causing wear and tear of your teeth. By addressing an underbite with Invisalign, you can improve your ability to chew, reduce the risk of jaw strain, prevent tooth wear and speech difficulties. Invisalign can effectively correct mild to moderate underbites.


Crossbite is when your upper and lower teeth don’t come together properly. It can increase the risk of oral health problems, tooth damage, and painful conditions like TMJ. Invisalign will treat crossbites by helping move incorrectly positioned teeth to their right position.

Gaps in Teeth

Gaps between teeth can be both a cosmetic concern and a functional issue. They can lead to cavities, gum problems and misalignment of surrounding teeth. Invisalign treatment can close these gaps by carefully repositioning your teeth over time.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Initial Consultation

When you visit With U Dental for your initial complimentary consultation, our team will assess your smile to determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you. We will carefully look at your smile and assess your bite while taking note of your facial structure and characteristics. During the consultation, we will take the time to understand your needs so we can create a personalised treatment plan that meets your smile goals.


Scans and Preview

After determining your suitability for Invisalign, we will take digital impressions of your teeth. At With U Dental, we use state-of-the-art technology to scan your teeth and visualise what your smile would look like at the end of treatment. Our cutting-edge technology allows us to accurately predict the movement of your teeth, ensuring they achieve the desired position. When you’re happy with how your smile will look, we will commence designing your custom-made aligners.

Wear Your INVISALIGN Aligners

Once your custom-made aligners are ready, we can begin treatment. These aligners are designed to gently exert pressure on your teeth, guiding them into the correct position. You must wear your aligners for at least 22 hours daily for approximately 2 weeks before moving on to the next set. Throughout the process, our friendly dentists will monitor the progress of your treatment to ensure optimal results.



Once the treatment period is over, you have achieved your dream smile! We recommend scheduling regular dental checkups at With U Dental to maintain your stunning smile and keep your oral health in great condition. Our dentist will recommend how often to wear your retainer, depending on your individual case, so you can enjoy your new smile for years to come.


Your smile is an investment that lasts for life, and at With U Dental, we are committed to making this possible. Do you want to know if Invisalign the best solution for you? We offer a complimentary 15-minute discovery consultation for Invisalign treatment in Hawthorn. During this consultation, we will assess your eligibility and walk you through the entire treatment step-by-step, making the process of figuring out how to achieve your dream smile much easier.

  • Invisalign: $4200 – $10700 (depending on complexity)

We understand that you may have financial worries, but don’t worry. We offer flexible payment plans because we believe dental care should be an accessible service to all. Getting your dream smile has never been easier.

Why Choose With U Dental for Invisalign Treatment in HAWTHORN?

With U Dental is your trusted dental clinic for Invisalign treatment in Hawthorn. Our experienced dental professionals are dedicated to providing quality dental care, ensuring your Invisalign treatment exceeds expectations. We take pride in our meticulous attention to detail and state-of-the-art technology that helps us transform your smile.

Moreover, we believe that each smile is as unique as the individual. That’s why we adopt a personalised approach to dentistry because everyone deserves a smile that’s uniquely theirs. At With U Dental, you can expect personalised care, attention and treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Your well-being and confidence are at the core of what we do and we’re excited to accompany you on your journey to a brighter, healthier smile.

We also offer a wide range of comprehensive dental services, from general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, emergency dentistry to family dentistry and much more to cater to all your dental needs.

Craft your dream smile with us!Call Us Now!