With U Dental

2 Wills St, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123

Implant Supported Dentures

implant supported dentures

Implant-Supported Dentures

With implant-supported dentures, you can say goodbye to loose-fitting and uncomfortable dentures or gaps in your smile and hello to a confident and secure smile.

Operating out of Hawthorn, With U Dental provides tooth replacement solutions using premium materials and precision during treatment planning, allowing you a new smile that lasts for years to come. Your bespoke smile is meticulously crafted by our artisanal implant dentists for optimal results that combine comfort, stability and aesthetics. Schedule a consult with our friendly team today to get started!
Showcase your confident smile with implant-supported dentures. Book Now

What are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are attached to your jawbone through dental implants, unlike traditional dentures that rest on top of your gums. Also known as overdentures or snap-on dentures, they combine the best of both worlds to provide a stable and comfortable fit. With overdentures, you no longer have to worry about your dentures slipping out at the most inconvenient times.

Implant-supported dentures also restore the functionality of your teeth, allowing you to eat and speak confidently. You can remove your dentures whenever you want to and simply snap them back on. Whether you’ve lost all or most of your teeth, implant-supported dentures are a great solution worth considering.

Am I Eligible for Implant-Supported Dentures?

To be eligible for implant-supported dentures, there are specific requirements you must meet. These include:
  • having lost most or all of your teeth
  • teeth that are damaged or decayed beyond restoration
  • good dental and overall health
  • sufficient bone density to support implants
  • having loose teeth
  • uncomfortable or poorly-fitting dentures

Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

Losing your teeth can have severe implications that extend beyond the aesthetics of your smile. It can cause any existing teeth to shift, leading to problems with your bite, loss of jaw bone, facial asymmetry, wrinkles, an increased risk of tooth decay and uneven wear or cracks along your teeth. That’s where dental implants come in. Choosing implant-supported dentures as your tooth replacement solution will offer you a range of benefits, including:
  • Improved functionality of your teeth, making it easier to chew, bite, and speak.
  • Improved comfort as implant-supported dentures offer a secure and stable fit.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • Implant-supported dentures don’t require dental adhesives, which can be messy.
  • The natural look and feel can help boost confidence.
  • The implants help preserve the jawbone and keep it healthy.
  • Improved oral and overall health.
  • Minimally-invasive.
  • Minimises the need for additional treatments such as bone grafts.
  • Provides a long-lasting solution with proper care.

How Does It Work?


The implant-supported dentures procedure can differ for everyone, depending on individual case needs. Here’s what the process typically looks like:

Discuss your dental goals with our implant dentists. We will address your bone conditions using a 3D-CBCT Scan and discuss all possible treatment options and costs.

Implant-supported dentures
Implant-supported dentures

We digitally plan your implant surgery with our digital scanner and software to implement the perfect implant placement. Digital planning will significantly reduce your surgery time and increase your success rate.

The procedure to insert your dental implants will be carried out under pain-free Local Anaesthetics or while sleeping under General Anaesthesia.

Implant-supported dentures
Implant-supported dentures

Our experienced artisans will fabricate your prosthetic teeth to look identical to real teeth.

Once your implants have healed, we’ll fit the overdentures in place so you can enjoy greater comfort and smile confidently.

Implant-supported dentures

Yes, it’s that easy! Your new functional smile will be ready in just 5 simple steps. Call our friendly team to get started on your smile journey.

How to Care for Your Implant-Supported Dentures

Taking care of your implant-supported dentures is very important. The good news is that maintaining and caring for your implant-supported dentures is also quite simple! All you need to do is:

  • Brush your teeth along the gums after every meal using a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Floss your teeth daily
  • Soak your removable dentures in a denture solution to disinfect them.

We also recommend scheduling regular checkups with our dental professionals. Scheduling appointments every 6 months will allow our dentists to monitor the condition of your dentures and keep an eye out for any dental conditions that may arise. Remember, early detection and consistency are key to maintaining a healthy and long-lasting smile.

How Much Do Implant-Supported Dentures Cost In Hawthorn?

The cost of your dental implants can vary depending on certain factors, such as the complexity of your individual case needs, if any additional treatments are required, what materials are being utilised, etc. Get in touch with our team and we can assess your unique case and give you an understanding of costs.

We also offer flexible payment plans and accept various payment methods, including Early Release of Super, that give you the opportunity and peace of mind to get the dental care you need. Don’t let financial strain stop you from getting that new smile. Schedule a consultation with our dentist to learn more about treatment costs and payment plans we offer to help you.

With U Dental: Your Trusted Hawthorn Implant Dentist

Conveniently located in Hawthorn, With U Dental is your trusted dental clinic, providing a range of comprehensive dental services. Whether you’re looking for general dental solutions or more advanced dental procedures such as implants, we’ve got you covered on all fronts.

With our advanced and quality implant-supported dentures, you can bid goodbye to the limitations of traditional dentures and missing teeth and restore that beautiful smile you deserve. We provide sleep dentistry techniques performed by Melbourne’s leading dentists, as well as a welcoming environment, to ensure that you will feel at ease during your implant journey.

 Equipped with cutting-edge technology and experienced, friendly dental professionals, you can rest assured that your smile is in reliable hands. We also provide a comprehensive range of dental services, from general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and family dentistry to holistic dentistry to cater to all your dental needs.

Ready to show off your smile? Our friendly team is here to help you shine! Call Now